By far our most popular program, the Destination Assessment provides one-on-one guidance to more than 2,200 communities around the world, starting with a week-long secret-shopping experience. This photographic look at the community is an eye-opening chance to see the community through the eyes of a first-time visitor: experiencing the community like anyone looking for a place to live, raise a family, retire, work, set up or move a business, or as a tourist. Click on the photo to the left for a more detailed look at what a Destination Assessment includes.
One of the top-rated keynote speakers on the planet when it comes to tourism, downtowns, placemaking, and emerging trends, Roger’s presentations are cut-to-the-chase great. Using photographic examples, bottom-line solutions and delivered with enthusiasm and humor, he’s the perfect speaker for every kind of function from national conferences to local annual meetings and banquets. To learn more about Roger’s speaking engagements, click on the photo to the left.
Roger Brooks, the founding member of the DDA has been a top-rated keynote speaker for decades. But his first love is coming to communities as a change-agent and expert to get things moving in the right direction and to get everyone, locally, on the same page, pulling in the same direction. Often all it takes is a day to really get local stakeholders fired up and feeling empowered to making things happen. No one is better at getting people excited than Roger. To learn more about our in-person speaking and consulting services, click on the photo to the left.